Friday, August 26, 2011

Photo Friday: A New Respect for Organic

My oldest child was given a Bonnie cabbage plant at school last spring to grow and take a photo in hopes of winning a $1,000 scholarship. We have been caring for the cabbage diligently using what I consider organic methods – no pesticides and a “natural” fertilizer mix. I will admit that I consider myself less knowledgeable than a novice gardener, but thought we could manage this. The cabbage plant is not doing so well. I left for a couple days and found this.

If a certified organic farmer can achieve a great looking and great tasting cabbage (obviously this one tasted great to the bug) without using pesticides, I have no choice but to respect the craft and work put in to achieve that. I understand why organic produce carries a higher price tag, but also understand why many farmers do not want to take on that kind of risk. I’m so glad we have all food production systems working together to ensure we have an ample supply of safe food.

As for the photo contest, do you think we will get votes for “most interesting?” They never said it had to be the biggest, prettiest cabbage. Wish us luck.

You may also be interested in my April 14 post, “Why I don’t buy organic, most of the time.”

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  1. Great post! I think most people who preach organic have not actually TRIED to grow organic produce. Your April post on the subject was interesting as well. I'm actually in the process of doing a lot of reading on organic foods and nutrition in general, and making some changes in how and what I eat. Everyone should "eat consciously", knowing exactly what they are eating and hearing all sides of the subject and make a conscious decision. I'll be following your blog as well in my nutrition research. :-)

  2. Great insight and yes my "organic" garden does not fare well either. As a large acre farmer that needs to grow a lot of one or many crops I can't imagine the stress of not using pesticides. I respect all farming choices and understand how it impacts our food. Thanks for sharing!


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